How do us Install an IP68 Waterproof LED Light Strip?

Installing an IP68 waterproof LED light strip is a relatively simple process.

Here are the steps you can follow to install your LED light strip:

  1. Plan your installation: Before you start installing your LED light strip, it’s important to plan your installation. Decide where you want to install the light strip and how you want to route the wires. Make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials.
  2. Clean the surface: The surface where you will be installing the LED light strip should be clean and free of any debris. Use a cleaning solution and a cloth to clean the surface.
  3. Cut the LED light strip: If your LED light strip is too long, you can cut it to fit the desired length. Make sure you cut it at the designated cutting point, which is usually marked on the light strip.
  4. Connect the power supply: Connect the power supply to the LED light strip. Make sure you connect the positive and negative wires correctly.
  5. Test the LED light strip: Before you attach the LED light strip to the surface, test it to make sure it’s working properly. You can do this by plugging in the power supply.
  6. Attach the LED light strip: Attach the LED light strip to the surface using the adhesive backing. Make sure you press it firmly against the surface.
  7. Seal the connections: If your LED light strip has any exposed connections, you should seal them to protect against moisture. You can use silicone sealant or heat shrink tubing to seal the connections.
  8. Install the controller: If your LED light strip comes with a controller, install it in a convenient location where you can easily access it.
  9. Enjoy your new LED light strip: Once you’ve completed the installation, you can enjoy your new LED light strip. You can turn it on and off using the controller or a switch if one is installed.

Some tips to keep in mind while installing an IP68 waterproof LED light strip are:

  • Make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.
  • Be careful while cutting the LED light strip. Cut it only at the designated cutting point.
  • Make sure the positive and negative wires are connected correctly.
  • Use a waterproof sealant to protect the connections and ensure the LED light strip is fully waterproof.
  • Do not bend the LED light strip sharply as it can damage the LEDs.

Here are some additional tips and information on how to install an IP68 waterproof LED light strip:

  1. Calculate the wattage: Before you start the installation, it’s important to calculate the wattage of the LED light strip. This will help you determine the size of the power supply you need. You can calculate the wattage by multiplying the length of the LED light strip by the wattage per foot or meter.
  2. Choose the right power supply: Choose a power supply that matches the wattage of your LED light strip. It’s important to choose a power supply that is specifically designed for LED lights as it will provide the right amount of power and voltage.
  3. Use connectors: If you need to connect two LED light strips together or connect the light strip to the power supply, use connectors. There are different types of connectors available, including solderless connectors, which are easy to use and require no special tools.
  4. Use mounting brackets: If you are installing the LED light strip in a location where it might be bumped or moved, it’s a good idea to use mounting brackets to secure the light strip in place. Mounting brackets can be screwed into the surface and the LED light strip can be clipped into place.
  5. Test the waterproofing: Before you fully install the LED light strip, test the waterproofing by submerging it in water for a few minutes. This will help you identify any leaks or issues with the waterproofing.
  6. Use a remote controller: If your LED light strip comes with a remote controller, use it to control the brightness and color of the lights. Remote controllers are easy to use and allow you to change the lighting to suit your mood or the occasion.


In conclusion, anyone with basic DIY skills can install an IP68 waterproof LED light strip by following some planning and simple steps. By following these tips, you can ensure that you install your LED light strip correctly and provide beautiful and functional lighting for your home or outdoor space.

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